Beef Ularthiyathu/Beef Roast


Beef Ularthiyathu


Beef-1/ 2 kg
Coriander -30 gm
Red chilies-6-7
Turmeric powder-1/4 tsp
Cinnamon- 1/2 tsp
Cloves-1/2 tsp
Shallots-20 gms
Garlic-7 flakes
Ginger-1/2 " inch piece
Curry leaves- 2 sprig
Salt to taste
Coconut oil-1 tbsp
Potato-2 big


Clean and cut meat into 1.25cm pieces.
Roast and finely ground coriander,red chillies and turmeric.
Powder cinnamon,cloves , and pepper corns.
Heat  oil in a pan,add sliced shallots, and ginger -garlic paste.
Mix together meat,prepared spices,curryleaves,salt ,and enough water to cook meat .
Keep on fire.
Bring to boil quickly.
Reduce heat and cook over gentle heat till tender.
Add sliced  potatoes as well.
Close the pan  with a lid.
When the meat is tender and all the water is evaporated stir well.
Remove from flame.
Serve it with Rice/Chapathi
