Dry Prawns Stir Fry Kerala Style / Unnakka Chemmeen Fry

dry prawns stir fry

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Dry Prawns-500 gms

Chilli powder/chili flakes- as required

shallots-25, thinly, sliced

Curry leaves

coconut oil-1 tbsp

Salt - to taste

dry prawns stir fry



  1. Prepare Dry Prawns:
Dry Prawns Before Frying

    • Clean and wash the dry prawns thoroughly.
    • Allow them to drain completely to remove excess water content.
  1. Fry Dry Prawns:
    • Heat coconut oil in a pan.
    • Add the drained dry prawns to the pan and stir-fry them for a few minutes until they are almost fried.
  2. Seasoning:
    • Dissolve salt in water and add it to the pan as required.
    • Continue frying until the prawns become crispy in texture.
  3. Add Shallots and Curry Leaves:
    • Once the prawns are crispy, add thinly sliced shallots and curry leaves to the pan.
    • Saute them until the shallots turn a light golden color.
  4. Adjust Seasoning:
    • Check the level of salt and add more if needed.
  5. Spice it up:
    • Reduce the flame to low and add chili flakes or chili powder according to your preference.
    • Saute until the raw flavor of the chili powder disappears.
  6. Final Touch:
    • Once the prawns are crispy and well-spiced, switch off the flame.
  7. Serving:
    • Serve the delicious dry prawns with rice for a flavorful meal.  

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