Ethakka Appam(Banana Appam)


It’s a special dish made with bananas.Its a snack ,served especially with tea/ coffee.

Banana that is used to prepare this dish should be ripe .

This is a traditional kochi based recipe…kochi is a beautiful place located in kerala, a state in south India.

Banana Appam

This dish can be used as a breakfast dish, served along with thick coconut milk and sugar.

Prep: Time- 30 mins



Ethakka/Banana-3 nos

Rice Powder – 2 cups

Thick coconut milk- 3 cups

Salt- As needed

Sugar- 2 tablespoons

Cardamom (powdered)-3 nos (optional)

Add sugar and salt to the rice powder.

Now add the coconut milk, to make the batter to a slightly liquid consistency

The batter should not have any lumps.

Add cardamom powder to this batter and mix well.

Peel and chop the banana.

Take a steel plate.grease it with oil. fill the half of the plate with watery consistent batter.

Add chopped bananas on top of the batter on the plate.

Cook it using steamer .cook it for 15 minutes in a steamer.

And serve it as a snack with tea /coffee
