Fruit Custard





Fruit custard

Milk – ½ litre


Custard powder- 2tbspn


Sugar-2 ½ tbspn


Vanilla essence- ¼ tspn




Apple-3 chopped




Banana-3 chopped




Pineapple –2 slices chopped


Orange-2 chopped


Mango- 2 chopped





Take custard powder in a bowl


Add 4 tbspns of milk from ½ litre of milk and dissolve 

It should not have lumps


Boil the remaining milk with sugar and add this mixture to it. Stir it constantly.


Cook it till it becomes slightly thicker.


Bring the whole mixture to room temperature and keep it in refrigerator to make it cold.


Note: it may become more thicker once it become cold.


Take all the fruits in a bowl.


Add vanilla essence and sugar.mix everything nicely


Add the fruits to the chilled custard.Serve it as a dessert .

